26 March. Reflection.
Welcome Back!
- 1. There’s no campus sustainability tour today b/c the tour guide in the sustainability office was not available due to an emergency.
- 2. 3/28 Class Leads: be prepared to ask one question each on the readings listed on the calendar for Thursday
- 3. If you haven’t, please fill out the Podcast Group preference form
Part I. Object Reflection
So that you have a picture of your object to include in your final portfolio and so we can determine which of the objects to display in our class show, we complete the following.
Before I ask you to vote on which objects you like best, what criteria should we use to determine our preferences?
- 1. Set your New Futures object or artifact out on your desk, take a picture of your object, and then upload the pic of your object to Canvas.
- 2. On the note cards that I am passing around please write the following on one side of the card: the title of your object, your name, and a brief description of the object.
- 3. Once you have finished, walk around an look at your classmates’ objects and choose your 7 favorite objects
- 4. Put a check mark on the back of the objects’ cards to indicate your preference.
- 5. At the end of the activity, I will collect all the cards. Then we are going to finish class early enough for you to carry your objects down to my office in Hall.
Part II. Reflection New Futures Reflection
Take 6-7 minutes and respond to the prompts below in a Word or Google Doc. Since you will be required to include reflections in your Final Portfolio, please file this reflection with your other process documents.
- 1. Explain one way your New Futures Project met one Course Goal/Concept.
- 2. Given the opportunity to revise, what is one thing you would change in the Project and why?
- 3. In what ways did the project help you think differently about your writing process?
- 4. Share your responses to the questions above in groups
Sample Portfolio
Part III. Creating Portfolios in Canvas
- I am going to walk you through portfolio creation in Canvas. I will follow the steps listed in the document below.