Portfolio Composition Modules

Reflection on First Week Video

Take 6-7 minutes and respond to the prompts below in a Word or Google Doc. Since you will be required to include reflections in your Final Portfolio, please file this reflection with your other process documents.
  • 1. Explain one way your First Week Video met one Course Goal/Concept.
  • 2. Given the opportunity to revise, what is one thing you would change in the Video and why?
  • 3. In what ways would you like to improve your video editing skills?

Part I. Object Reflection

So that you have a picture of your object to include in your final portfolio and so we can determine which of the objects to display in our class show, we complete the following.

Before I ask you to vote on which objects you like best, what criteria should we use to determine our preferences?

  • 1. Set your New Futures object or artifact out on your desk, take a picture of your object, and then upload the pic of your object to Canvas.
  • 2. On the note cards that I am passing around please write the following on one side of the card: the title of your object, your name, and a brief description of the object.
  • 3. Once you have finished, walk around an look at your classmates’ objects and choose your 7 favorite objects
  • 4. Put a check mark on the back of the objects’ cards to indicate your preference.
  • 5. At the end of the activity, I will collect all the cards. Then we are going to finish class early enough for you to carry your objects down to my office in Hall.

Portfolio W/S 1: New Futures Reflection

Take 6-7 minutes and respond to the prompts below in a Word or Google Doc. Since you will be required to include reflections in your Final Portfolio, please file this reflection with your other process documents.
  • 1. Explain one way your New Futures met one Course Goal/Concept.
  • 2. Explain how the elements in your future world relate to one another. For example, if you have society where cars have been outlawed, for example, how would interpersonal relationships change?
  • 3. In what ways did the project help you think differently about your writing process?

Part IV. Canvas Portfolio Basics

Follow along in Canvas as I walk you through the following:
  • 1. Creating and naming your Canvas Portfolio
  • 2. Creating and managing pages
  • 3. Configuring pages: rich text, embedding, etc.
  • 4. Uploading .pdf files and embedding video

Part I. Poster Reflection

In order to draft your Reflective Essay and Artifact Responses for the Final Portfolio, please freewrite in response to the following prompt for 8-10 minutes. You do not need to hand in your responses. Instead, we respond to similar prompts all semester and then revise them into final drafts.
Narrate the story of how your Poster Project drafting process. Your “story” should proceed through the following: Did you start by responding to the prompt? Did you start with a key chunk of text you wanted to write about? What sorts of invention writing did you do? What classroom activities/discussions developed/changed your thinking? What sort of feedback did you receive? What changed draft to draft?

Finally, respond to the following in a few sentences: how does your experience drafting the Poster Project compare to writing process you practiced in high school?

Part III. Reflection Freewrite

Please complete the following:
  • 1. Freewrite: write for 5-8 minutes without stopping in response to the following: What is the story of how your presentation evolved from invention to final draft? What was the best part of working with a partner? If/when you have to work with a partner in the future, what might you do the same/different? 
  • 2. Artifact 3 Page: take 10-15 minutes and build out your Artifact 3 page. For this page you should have an 100-150 word introduction (that can be developed out of the freewrite above), the in-class video, your slides, and PD3: Group Presentation Topic Proposal. The videos and help docs below, will guide you through any technical questions you might have when building this page

Part II. Portfolio Reflection

Now that all your documents are in the Artifact I page of the portfolio, please narrate the story for your Poster Project composing process by responding to the following for approx. 8-10 minutes. Be prepared to share your responses and then build the Poster page in the Canvas Portfolios.
  • 1. Where did the idea for the poster begin?
  • 2. What sorts of invention writing did you do?
  • 3. What classroom activities/feedback developed/changed your thinking?
  • 4. What changed draft to draft?
  • 5. Finally, building off of your poster session freewrite (i.e., which poster did you like best and why), respond to the following in a few sentences: how did you conceptualize your audience drafted your poster, and what, if any, choices did you make in your pitch or design to align with their needs/interests? What do you know about your audience (i.e. classmates) that you didn’t know before the poster session, and how might you better address their needs/interests in the upcoming presentation? 
  • 6. Hang onto this draft, which you can revise for the introduction and reflection for your Artifact One: Poster page

Part II. Portfolio Workshop

Please complete the following individually or in groups:
  • 1. Open up your Canvas portfolio and, if applicable, add all your final artifacts and process documents
  • 2. Overview of page building/adding documents in Canvas. 1. process documents as .pdf files from Google Drive & 2. embedding web pages
  • 3. Once you have a had a chance to work for 10-15 minutes, form a group around the page of the portfolio you have the most questions about.