Final Portfolio


Upon completion of the Final Portfolio Project, student should be able to:
  • 1. Reflect: The Final Portfolio enables you to demonstrate and reflect on how well you have met outcomes established for ENGL 1101 and 1102 at Georgia Tech.
  • 2. Transfer: With its emphasis on reflection, curation, and revision, the Final Portfolio allows you to consider not only what you created and learned, but also why you created and learned what you have. Research indicates that a focus on the why motivating your choices will improve your ability to transfer strategic knowledge from to new situations.
  • 3. Assess: In addition to your instructor, other professors from the Writing and Communication Program will read and evaluate your portfolios for programmatic assessment, which helps to determine how well ENGL 1101 and 1102 are meeting the education outcomes at which they are aimed

Portfolio Checklist

Successful Final Portfolios must include the following:
  • 1. Reflective Introduction to the Portfolio: published to its own, separate page the Reflective Introduction must be 1200-1800 words and introduce your portfolio. It must also strategically employ multimodal elements such as images, videos, audio files, and/or links in addition to the text. Specific instructions listed below.  
  • 2.  Artifact 0: A page for you Common First Week Video, and revised, short reflections written in response to direct questions about your composition process and the artifact.
  • Artifacts 1-3: A page for each of three additional artifacts (Video Essay, New Futures Project, and Podcast) that together best reflect your work and development in the course, along with short reflections written in response to direct questions about your composition process and the artifact.
  •     a. Artifact 1: Poster emphasizes all elements of Written, Electronic, and Visual communication. On this page, please embed both a .pdf of your poster and the pitch, as well as the process documents PD2: Theoretical Analysis and PD3: Media Analysis as .pfds.
  •     b. Artifact 2: New Futures Project  emphasizes Written and Visual communication. On this page, please embed a .pdf of your story, as well as PD4: Greatest Threat and PD5:World Building W/S as .pdfs.
  •     c. Artifact 3: Pecha Kutcha Video emphasizes all WOVEN modes. On this page, please embed your video and the slidedeck of your presentation, as well as PD6: Pecha Kutcha Video Script as a .pdf.

Sample Portfolio

Please note, the sample portfolio should be used a design guideline only, as the copy and images are mostly nonsense.

Reflective Introduction Checklist

For full credit on the Final Portfolio, please compose a reflective, introductory essay of 1200-1800 words in response to the following: how have you developed as a communicator over the course of the semester? 

A successful Reflective Introduction essay should also,

  • 1. Develop the argument about intellectual growth as a as a communicator through the close analysis of artifacts in the portfolio.
  • 2. Show and tell readers how you met, or attempted to meet, one or more of the course outcomes 
  • 3. Reflect on your strength and weaknesses relative to assignment individual assignment goals and written modes
  • 4. Articulate areas and strategies you would like to focus on for continued improvement.

Artifact Reflection Checklist

For full credit on artifacts pages 0, 1, 2, 3, write a one-paragraph (150-200 words) introduction to the artifact that explains explains where your ideas came from and how they evolved and/or your process (invention, prewriting, outlining, drafting peer review, revising, editing). How does your writing process effect your intellectual process?

After you include the artifact and process documents, please also respond to each of the following prompts (30-50 words each)

  •     a. Goals: What were the main intellectual goals of the assignment? Please situate these goals in terms of the course theme and in terms of the communication strategies you were to learn or practice.
  •     b. Purpose: What is your argument or purpose in this assignment? How did you make your argument or purpose visible and persuasive in your artifact?
  •     c. Audience: Who is the intended audience for your artifact; why is this an appropriate audience? How is your choice of audience reflected in your artifact?
  •     d. Features: What are the defining features of the genre or media that you are using in this project? How do you make use of these features?
  •     e. Process: If you had more time for revision, what would you change and why?


The Portfolio is worth 15% of your total grade and will be assessed according to the final criteria adapted from the Common Feedback Chart:

  • 1. Rhetorical Awareness: Does the Portfolio address the situation (and assignment) completely and/or with unexpected insight? Does the site make an argument in both the Reflective Essay, Artifact Reflections, and arrangement/inclusion of the artifacts themselves that you have grown as a communicator? (20%)
  • 2. Stance: Does each page of the Portfolio (Reflection Essay, Artifact 0, Artifacts 1-3) express a complex, unifying argument and explores the implications of that argument? Do the arguments made on each page fits into/support the goal of the Portfolio in general? (20%)
  • 3.Development of Ideas/Evidence: Does the Portfolio as a whole, and each specific page, develop the main claim/goal through fully analyzed evidence that supports all related claims? Does the Site as a whole and each specific page, develop the overall claim/goal through citation and reflection of the Artifacts? (20%)
  • 4. Organization/Design: Does the Portfolio sustain the claim throughout?  Are transitions from one page of Portfolio to the next clear and logical? Can the user navigate from page to page? (15%)
  • 5. Process: Does the final draft demonstrate planning and revision? Are process documents included for one or more final projects  (15%)
  • 6. Conventions: Do all the links work? Are all cited video, images, and text attributed and embedded when necessary?  Does all copy meet grammar, mechanics style, and syntax conventions with few or no errors? (10%)