29 June. Portfolio W/S & Intro. to World Building.

Today’s Videos
  • Video One: How to upload two different files to Canvas
  • Video Two: Portfolio One W/S: Creating Portfolios in Canvas, embedding .pdf, .docx, & .jpeg files, Poster Reflection activity (recommended)
  • Video Three: New Futures Project Explained & NK Jemisin Master Class & Intro. to World Building

How to Upload 2 Different File Types to Canvas

Portfolio W/S: Creating Portfolio & Making Pages

If you get lost, just watch the videos posted to the sidebar of the Final Portfolio page. Otherwise, just follow along as I create a Portfolio in Canvas and create/arrange pages:
  • 1. Navigate to Canvas and then click on account and then choose ePortfolio from the right hand menu.
  • 2. Next, click on “Create an ePortfolio,” and give your portfolio a name, i.e. your student number and the course title and section. Can make it public or keep it private.
  • 3. Now that the portfolio is made, you have to populate it with pages. It comes with one page called “Welcome,” which you may want to change to “Reflective Essay.” To make and manage pages, click “Organize/Mange Pages.”
  • 4. For your Final Portfolio, you will need the following 4 pages: 1 page for the Reflective Essay, 1 Page for your Poster, 1 Page for you Future World Project, and 1 page for your Pecha Kutcha Video.
  • 5. Finally, I’ll go over how to embed .docx,.pdf, & .jpeg files

The New Futures Project & Overview of NK Jemisin’s World Building Activity

The Video covers the following:
  • 1. What is element X? What examples of element X do Jemisin and Klein provide listeners?
  • 2. According to Jemisin how do societies develop in relation to their inherited pasts (syncretism); develop characteristics intended to distinguish themselves from their nearest neighbors (differentiation); develop stories about their cosmic origins and how do those stories influence social, political, technological, etc. relations (cosmogony); and develop systems of extenchange and resource distribution (economy)?
  • 3. How does Jemisin’s defintion of power, i.e. the ability of an individual or group to control or coerce other individuals or groups with impunity, determine social norms or defaults? How does power determine who is marginalized and why?


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