27 June. Poster Session & Portfolio W/S
Part I. Poster Session
Set up by taping your posters to the white boards around the room.
As the presenters set up, we’ll go over a few ‘best practices’ for responding to presentations.
Audience Best Practices
Try to keep the following in mind as you listen to the presenters’ pitches:
- 1. What sort of development project does the speaker present?
- 2. According to the presenter, what makes the project sustainable?
Keep the following in mind as you look at the presenters’s posters:
- 1.How the poster respond to the rhetorical situation, i.e. illustrate an issues related to sustainability trough a local/national development project?
- 2. How does the poster catch and sustain your attention via design choices: alignment, proximity, contrast, chunking, etc.?
Synthesize your looking and listening into a question that helps the presenter make connections and/or advances their project or your understanding:
- 1.Key terms: I like that you drew our attention to ________ project. I wonder if you could say more about how Caradonna, Morton, or Clark’s terms describe the project you illustrate.
- 2. Imagery/Design: You do a really nice job illustrating ___________ in___________ portion of your poster. What guided your design decisions?
- 3. Scaling up: I love that you chose to illustrate _______ as an example of ________. What does the development project you chose say about the context in which it was created? Does the issue you chose challenge assumptions about the defintion of sustainability?
Part II. Future Threats!!!
Take 5-8 minutes and respond to the following prompt without stopping:
What do you think poses the single greatest threat to the future of life on earth? Why?
Part III. Portfolio W/S: Creating Portfolio & Making Pages
If you get lost, just watch the videos posted to the sidebar of the Final Portfolio page. Otherwise, just follow along as I create a Portfolio in Canvas and create/arrange pages:
- 1. Navigate to Canvas and then click on account and then choose ePortfolio from the right hand menu.
- 2. Next, click on “Create an ePortfolio,” and give your portfolio a name, i.e. your student number and the course title and section. Be sure to make it public!!!
- 3. Now that the portfolio is made, you have to populate it with pages. It comes with one page called “Welcome,” which you may want to change to “Reflective Essay.” To make and manage pages, click “Organize/Mange Pages.”
- 4. For your Final Portfolio, you will need the following 4 pages: 1 page for the Reflective Essay, 1 Page for your Poster, 1 Page for you Future World Project, and 1 page for your Pecha Kutcha Presentation. Let’s make those pages now.
- 5. Let’s talk briefly about how to embed a video and how to embed a .pdf
Portfolio Reflection (Recommended)
Once all of your documents are in the Artifact I page of the portfolio, you may want to spend some time narrating the story for your Poster Project composing process by responding to the following for approx. 8-10 minutes. (You are not required to submit this draft)
- 1. Where did the idea for the poster begin?
- 2. What sorts of invention writing did you do?
- 3. What classroom activities/feedback developed/changed your thinking?
- 4. What changed draft to draft?
- 5. Hang onto this draft, which you can revise for the introduction and reflection for your Artifact One: Poster page