30 Jan. Poster Pitch & Workshop
Poster Pitch Drafting Activity
Take 5-10 minutes and respond to the following prompts in a couple of sentences each, and then be prepared to discuss your responses:
- 1. What is the key idea or concept(s) that you chose to illustrate from one or more of the readings, i.e. what are benefits and drawback of the concept(s) you chose?
- 2. How the media (movie,TV show, or video game) you chose illustrates the key concept(s) you chose from the reading(s).
- 3. May also want to answer the question, “so what?” That is, what does reading these two (or more) text together reveal that I didn’t know before? OR/AND What does thinking these concept in multiple media/modes do that a single mode cannot?
Poster Workshop
Please complete the following:
- 1. Put your hardcopy or digital copy of your posters on your desk tops.
- 2. Next, half the class stay with your drafts and the other half of the class circulate from draft to draft.
- 3. Once the first group has had a chance to respond to at least 5 peer drafts, we can switch roles.