Pecha Kutcha Scripting


How do visions for the future of Atlanta’s people, neighborhoods, ecosystems, and/OR social/cultural networks shape the choices made by community partners at a redevelopment site of your choice, i.e. Quest Community Development, the Beltline, the Conservation Fund, etc.?

  • 1. For full credit your response to the prompt in a double column script
  • 2. Script can be a table in word or google docs OR a screen shot of a slides and copy in Power Point or Google Slides
  • 3. Remember, during the presentation you only get 30 seconds per slide, which is about 35 words per slide. 



24 July. Final Portfolio W/S

Part I. Sample Portfolios

On your own or with a partner, take 10 to review the following example portfolios.

Reflection Essay Example

Part II. Portfolio Workshop

Please complete the following individually or in groups:
  • 1. Open up your Canvas portfolio and, if applicable, add all your final artifacts and process documents
  • 2. Overview of page building/adding documents in Canvas. 1. process documents as .pdf files from Google Drive & 2. embedding web pages
  • 3. Once you have a had a chance to work for 10-15 minutes, form a group around the page of the portfolio you have the most questions about.

Creating Portfolios & Pages & Embedding Video

Embedding .pdf in Canvas


Creating Links & Text in Canvas Portfolios

Embedding Mp3 Files in Canvas Portfolios


Embedding Web Pages in Canvas Portfolios


22 & 23 July. Pecha Kutcha Presentation, Group 1 & 2

Presentation Directions

  • 1. So that we have enough time, we are going to hold off discussing the presentations till the end of class.
  • 2. We’ll listen to five presentations, then take a break, and then listen to five more before discussing the form and content of our peers’ projects. 
  • 3. In order to track our responses, I am passing out a response sheet. After each presentation, take a few minutes to collect the response sheet. Also, I will collect the sheets at the end of class today.
  • 4. I know I’m adding this last minute, so I apologize, but will each of you have your friend film your presentation?

Group 1: Monday, July 22

Presentation Time Student Name
1 Hannah
2 Sierra
3 Tracy
4 Lelah
5 Azucena
6 Kathleen
7 Jane
8 Chris
9 Jackson 
10 Bailey

Group 2: Tuesday, July 23

Presentation Time Student Name
1 Luis
2 Ali
3 Kelly
4 Will
5 Emanuel
6 Drew
7 Heath
8 Taylor
9 Martha
10 Vanessa



17 July. Pecha Kutcha Script Drafting & Portfolio W/S


Part I. Freewrite

Take 10 minutes and respond to the following without stopping:
How do visions for the future of Atlanta’s people, neighborhoods, ecosystems, and/OR social/cultural networks shape the choices made by community partners at a redevelopment site of your choice, i.e. Transformation Alliance, the Beltline, the Conservation Fund, etc.?

Part II. Image Search/Collection

Take 15-20 minutes to search and collect possible images that illustrate major components of your freewrite:
  • 1. How can you integrate photos you have taken?
  • 2. How can/should you integrate images we have encountered in our reading and/or from our Partners?
  • 3. What sorts of images can/should you pull from databases to help illustrate & develop your presentation?

Part III. Collaborative Drafting

Let’s get into groups and spend 10-15 minutes discussion the following:
  • What are your presentation topics, major images, and organizational strategies? What works and why?
  • How do your presentations compliment each others’?

Part IV. Script Drafting

Create double column script by combining the written response with the images you have started to collect:
  • 1. In double column scripting the image goes on the left and the copy goes on the right as in this example script
  • 2. You can make your script in a tool of your choice, but both Google docs and word have table making options. Alternatively, you can draft these script right in Google Slides OR Power Point
  • 3. As you compile the script, think about how the images and copy fit together to communicate your claim or goal. That is, what sort of structure best fits the story you want to tell in your presentation? What sorts of opening and closing images best grab audiences attention? When moving from slide to slide, also consider how you might use contrast and echoes to help audiences better understand the goal of your presentation.

Part V. Portfolio W/S

Please take 10 minutes to complete the following:
how have you developed as a communicator over the course of the semester?


Presentation Groups

Group 1: Monday, July 22

Presentation Time Student Name
12:30 Hannah
12:40 Sierra
12:50 Tracy
1:00 Lelah
1:10 Azucena
1:20 Kathleen
1:30 Jane
1:40 Chris
1:50 Jackson 
2:00 Bailey


Group 2: Tuesday, July 23

Presentation Time Student Name
12:30 Luis
12:40 Ali
12:50 Kelly
1:00 Will
1:10 Emanuel
1:20 Drew
1:30 Heath
1:40 Taylor
1:50 Martha
2:00 Vanessa

15 July. Portfolio W/S & Final Presentation.

Housekeeping, Part 1

  • 1. Remember to meet at Lindsey St. Park tomorrow, for our of the park by Shannon Lee of the Conservation Fund. Lindsey St. Park is located at 551 Oliver St. Atlanta, GA 30314. The tour will run 12:30-1:45.
  • 2. Please wear outdoor clothes, as well as sun and bug spray! BRING WATER! TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES ON OUR VISIT!
  • 3. Please note, you are responsible for your own transportation to the park. You may drive yourself or take an Uber/Lyft. The park is 1.7 miles from GaTech, so there are also public transportation options.
  • 4. Take as much time as you need to figure out your travel arrangements for tomorrow. 


Housekeeping, Part 2

  • 1. I need for everyone to attend the iGniTe Closing Workshop, 1:00PM-3:00PM in the Brittain Rec Room on Friday, July 19.
  • 2. Because I am asking everyone to attend a class that is outside of regular class perimeters, I am happy to make Thursday an optional work day. What that means is, instead of regularly scheduled class on Thursday, July 18, I will be in my office 10AM-3PM. I invite you to drop in to ask me any questions or share slide show drafts with me, but we will not meet in class.
  • 3. Who would like to make Thursday optional? What does that mean for the rest of the week?

II. Developing ATL

Take a few minutes, on your own or with a friend, and respond to the following questions about the VOX ATL Commentary article:
  • 1. According to the VOX ATL article, what are the benefits and drawbacks to ATL’s redevelopment?
  • 2. What sorts of evidence does the article use to reach its audience? What sorts of visual media does it use & is that media effective, why/why not?

IV. Pecha Kutcha Presentations 

  • 1. What are the elements of a good/great presentation?
  • 2. According to Eddie Selover’s, what is a Pecha Kutcha? What do Pecha Kutcha presentations do that other presentation styles cannot? Are Pecha Kutcha presentations more or less successful than other presentation styles?

How PechaKucha Changed My Life: Eddie Selover at TEDxOrlando

Before we take a break, let’s chat briefly about the Lindsey St. Park Materials Ms. Lee provided us.

Portfolio W/S, Part 1. New Futures Reflection

Take 6-7 minutes and respond to the prompts below in a Word or Google Doc. Since you will be required to include reflections in your Final Portfolio, please file this reflection with your other process documents.
  • 1. Explain one way your New Futures met one Course Goal/Concept.
  • 2. Given the opportunity to revise, what is one thing you would change in the Project and why?
  • 3. In what ways did the project help you think differently about your writing process?
  • 4. Be prepared to share your responses to the questions above

Portfolio W/S, Part II. Building Pages

Please complete the following individually or in groups:
  • 1. Open up your Canvas portfolio and, if applicable, add all your final artifacts and process documents
  • 2. Overview of page building/adding documents in Canvas. 1. process documents as .pdf files from Google Drive & 2. embedding web pages
  • 3. Once you have a had a chance to work for 10-15 minutes, form a group around the page of the portfolio you have the most questions about.

Embedding PDFs & Google Docs in Canvas


11 July. New Futures W/S

Part I. Your New Futures: Layout & Sentence Level

Let’s work through the following together:
  • 1. Audience: Who is your audience and how does that determine word choice, explanation, detail, or tone? Let’s take a look at More’s letter to Peter Giles for ways an author’s sense of his audience helps him determine which rhetorical choices to make.
  • 2. Layout: Remember to incorporate your brochure (PD5) into the final draft of your New Futures Project. When adding images, always consider the relationship between text and image in your story? What’s the relationship between text and image in Utopia? Also, feel free to use a template, like this one I’ll show you in Google Docs.
  • 3. Transitions: how do you move from section to section? Do you use headings? What sort of work do your opening and closing sentences need to do to set up transitions? How do you move from sentence to sentence?

Part II. Known-New Contract (Tips for Sentence Cohesion)

  • Take a look at the following sentence:

    (a) Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by       scientists exploring the nature of black holes in space.

  • Which of the sentences below should follow the one above?

    (b) The collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble creates a black hole.

    (c) A black hole is created by the collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble.







  • Sentence (c) begins where sentence (a) left off: with black holes. While reading, often we feel that sentences are more cohesive if they begin with what is known to the reader (e.g., “black holes” from the previous sentence) and end with what is new (e.g., “the collapse of a dead star”). This “known-new” contract gives us a sense of flow in our writing.
  • Draft: Write one declarative sentence that responds to the project prompt, i.e “how has the future you imagine solved the most pressing threat to life on Earth?” THEN…draft 1-2 developmental sentences using the known-new contract.

Part III. Verb Revision

Revise: State-of-being verbs (to be)/Passive Voice

  • A state of being verb identifies who or what a noun is, was, or will be. Passive voice (grammatical subject expressed the theme of the main verb – that is, the person or thing that undergoes the action or has its state changed).

    Replace the state-of-being verb/passive voice in the sentences below with a strong verb (i.e.a verb that shows instead of tells)

  • The tiger was upset when the antelope ran away.

    The man was walking on the platform.

    There are three things that make me feel excited for spring break.

Revise: Verbs that rely on adverbs

  • Powerful verbs are strong enough to stand alone. They don’t need an adverb to qualify them.

    Replace the following verb/adverb phrases with powerful verbs:

  • The fox ran quickly through the forest.

    She looked menacingly at her rival.

    He secretly listened while they discussed their plans.

Revise: Have/has/had combined with a noun

  • While auxiliary verbs help express times and mood (and conjugate past and future perfect tenses), they are less likely to engage audiences in simple conjugations and/or when used in excess.

    Replace the following verb phrases with a single, powerful verb:

  • had an argument with the referee

    had dinner with the sheriff.

    I have discussed the situation with your father.

Revising Your Verbs:

  • Take a few minutes and to identify all the verbs in a paragraph from your draft. Once you have identified them, make passive verbs active, and replace verbs that rely auxiliary constructions and/or adverbs with “strong verbs.”

List of Strong Verbs


Part IV: Peer Response Groups

In the time remaining, please form small peer response groups 2-3 people, trade drafts, read your peers’ drafts, and then take turns discussing the following:
  • 1.How does your future world solve for the problem you think poses the greatest threat to continued existence to life on earth?
  • 2.What are the five, or so, elements of your future you describe in your project, and how are those social elements interrelated?
  • 3.Briefly take us through your writing process. For example, what is one sentence level choice you have made to better engage audiences, develop transitions from idea to idea, or flush out detail?

10 July. New Futures Drafting & Utopia II

Part I. Brochure Design

Get out the sketches of your future world that you did yesterday, so we can covert them to a brochure:
  • 1. Who’s your audience for this project? How does the audience you imagine determine some of the choices you will/can make for this project?

    If you haven’t already, describe your world in a sentence or less to someone who hasn’t been there before: try to persuade them to go OR warn them about it.

  • 2. Navigate to an open source design tool of your choice, such as Adobe Spark, Pktochart, OR Canva
  • 3. Translate the sketch of you place into a design template of your choice in the tool of your choice.

Part II. Elements of Utopia

Organize yourselves into pairs & then I’ll assign you a category.

Once your category has been assigned, take 10-15 discuss with your partner how, according to Raphael Hythloday, Utopia transformed the element of society assigned you to solve some of the problems plaguing 16th c. England.

Finally, draw your findings in the board & be prepared to cite evidence from Utopia, Book II during class discussion.

  • 1. Geography, city and/or neighborhood planning
  • 2. Interpersonal and social relationships
  • 3. Labor Practices and/or slavery
  • 4. Economic Practices
  • 5. Religion and moral philosophy
  • 6. Travel, transportation, and/or trade
  • 7. Education
  • 8. Law/Government
  • 9. Heath Care/Mental Health
  • 10. Natural world/environment 

Part III. Problems in Our Futures

Get into 4-5 or five groups and complete the following:
  • 1. Each member of the group take 2 minutes to pitch the other members on your world.
  • 2. Whose future world would you most like to visit & why? I whose future world would you most like to live & why?


9 July. Utopia & Visualizing Your Futures


  • 1. Great work yesterday! Shannon, Odetta, and Justine were really impressed with your questions. Couple take aways from yesterday: Our guests invited us to recognize the fullness of the spaces we occupy, and the dangers of imagining any place as empty, and to begin to examine how our assumptions are always implicated in power relations with each new context we occupy.
  • 2. Looking ahead to the upcoming assignments New Futures Project & Petcha Kutcha Presentation Project. Also, going to meet at Lindsey St. Park to talk more with Shannon and members of the community.

Part I. Back to the Future

Take a 5-10 minutes and respond to the following:
What is the Renaissance (approx. 1400-1700)? What sorts of events characterize the world in which Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel (1508-1512) or Martin Luther disputed the practices of indulgences (1517) or the conquest of the Aztec Empire (1519-21) or which Thomas More first published his Utopia in 1516?

To answer these questions, draw on what you already know from world history or literature courses, and/or feel free to search around the internet for a few. Just be prepared to share your answers.

Part II. What is Utopia?

We can just answer this one all together:
According to Thomas More and/or your own knowledge, what is a utopia? Also, are utopias good?

Part III. Utopia, Book I: Problem/Solutions

Let’s get into 5 groups of 4 and respond to the following:
  • 1. According to Book I of Utopia, what are the major problems facing England?
  • 2. Of all the problems discussed throughout Book I, which does your group think is the worst? Why?
  • 3. What solutions do the characters propose to solve the problem you think is the worst? Do you think the solution(s) will work? Why/why not?

Visualizing Your Future, Part I.

  • From its very first publication in 1516, More’s Utopia, was typically published with a “garland of humanist testimonials” (Robert Adams 112), and visual images. What sorts effects do the fictional paratextual materials have on readers? 
  • In the spirit of More’s text, we are also going to create some accompanying “testimonials” for our future worlds.
  • Take a minute and think about some advertising campaigns for vacation designations, events, or even new houses/condos below. What sorts of visual rhetoric do those types of ads share? How does that genre of adverting persuade audiences? 

Future Place to Live

Quarry Park Development Materials 

Future Place to Travel

Visualizing Your Future, Part II.

Take a few minutes and respond to the following:
  • 1. Draft a name for your future world.
  • 2. Sketch or briefly describe what your world looks like: what are its main geological features, what are some of its aesthetic traits, what do the people look like, what sorts of infrastructural or architectural features would standout to a visitor?
  • 3. Briefly describe your world to someone who hasn’t been there before; try to persuade them to go/warn them about it.

Visualizing Your Future, Part II.


8 July. The Future of ATL: Equitable and Sustainable Development Panel


  • 1. Remember to meet at Room 1447, in Klaus, College of Computing at 12:30-1:45 for our Partners Panel in stead of in our regular classroom. Please also be prepared to ask questions.
  • 2. Please take pictures of the panel that you can use in your final Petcha Kutcha Presentation.

How Atlanta Was Kept Out of Cobb County

Quarry Park Development Materials 

NPU Initiative ATL 

Please do not dump trash on White Supremacist Leader’s Property

Karen Washington: It’s Not a Food Desert, It’s Food Apartheid

Invited Speakers

  • Odetta MacLeish-White, Managing Director, TransFormation Alliance. “The TransFormation Alliance, a collaboration of metro Atlanta organizations that promotes the development of thriving, mixed-income communities anchored by transit.”
  • Shannon Lee, Urban Conservation Manager, The Conservation Fund, The Conservation Fund takes a unique approach to sustainable community development. Their projects, such as Lindsey Street Park, “protects nature as both an economic and community asset that provides sustenance, open space, jobs, economic opportunities, important cultural ties and much more.”
  • Justine Schwartz, Project Manger, Grove Park Foundation, “The Grove Park Foundation is dedicated to revitalizing the Grove Park neighborhood and improving the quality of life by working with local partners, leaders and residents to create a healthy, equitable and vibrant community.”

Panel Topic: The Future of Atlanta

All disciplines and professions have to be mindful of ways the choices we make now will affect the generations that come after us. Similarly, practitioners in all professions imagine an ideal future and then make decisions based on what they think is the best way to achieve that future. While we have composed creative projects so far this semester, we are excited to learn about ways real-world projects come to be through a blend of visionary planning and practical action.

Some questions to ask our speakers:

  • 1. What is your ideal vision for the future of your project? Say you had all the resources and support you needed, what would Atlanta’s green spaces or transportation networks look like in 5-10 years? What are the most important factors to ensure sustainable housing as ATL develops? What would you like to see Atlanta look like in 50 or 100 years?
  • 2. How do your visions for the future of Atlanta’s people, neighborhoods, ecosystems, and social/cultural networks shape the choices you make now?
  • 3. How can students become involved (and stay involved) with sustainability projects in their communities? Or, as these students go on to design new energy technology, build complex structural systems, and cure diseases, how can they remain mindful of how their choices shape the future for a web of stakeholders?


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