
Dates/Days Topics/Skills Assignments Due
W, June 17 Topic:How-To use course site and Canvas, major course themes, assignment sequences WOVENtext (SKIM!!! 29-50)
R, June 18 Topic: What happens when we try to save the future?

Skills: Introduction to Poster Assignment

Cohen, “Noah’s Arkive” (21 par.)

Discussion 1: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST

PD 1: Reflection: Upload to Canvas as a .pdf or .docx file by 11:59PM, EST

M, June 22 Topic: Representing the Future

Skills:Principles of Visual Design

Nixon, “Scenes from the Seabed,” (263-280)

WOVENText (113-119) AND/OR Basic Design Principles (SKIM!!)

Discussion 2: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST

T, June 23 Topic: The Future is Home

Skills: Argument Writing

hooks, “Kentucky is my Fate,” (1-24)

PD2: Theoretical Analysis: Upload to Canvas as a .pdf or .docx file by 11:59PM, EST

W, June 24 Topic: The Pitch

Skills: Design Tools How-To & Digital Citizenship/Citing Images in MLA

WOVENText (113-119) AND/OR Basic Design Principles (SKIM-if you haven’t already)

Discussion 3: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST(D3 is cancelled)

R, June 25 Poster Drafting Activity PD3: Media Analysis: Upload to Canvas as a .pdf or .docx file by 11:59PM, EST
M, June 29 Topic: World Building Activity

Skills: Reflection

Poster (and Pitch) due uploaded to Canvas as .pdf files by 11:59 PM, EST

N.K. Jemisin’s master class in world building | The Ezra Klein Show Upload

Discussion 4: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST

T, June 30 Topic: Future in the Present

Skills: Assessing source validity

Utopia, Book I

PD4: Greatest Threat: Upload to Canvas as a .pdf or .docx file by 11:59PM, EST

W, July 1 Topic: Interconnectivity

Skills: Visualization

Utopia, Book II
R, July 2 Fourth of July Holiday No Work Due
M, July 6 Topic: The Official Story and the Other Gesture
Skills: Narrative Options
Jemisin, NK. “The Evaluators” & How Long Until Black Future Month?
Discussion 5: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST
T, July 7 Topic: Future home?
Skills: Allegory
Black Panther Film and “Why Ta-Nehisi Coats is Hopeful” article and/or podcast OR
PD5: World Building Worksheet: Upload to Canvas as a .pdf or .docx file by 11:59PM, EST
W, July 8 Topic: New Futures Workshop
Skills: Revision
WOVENText (689-707 SKIM!!!)
Discussion 6: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST
R, July 9 or 10 Topic: New Futures Reflection

Intro Petcha Kutcha Video

New Futures Due

WOVENText (186-266 SKIM!!!)

Discussion 7: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 5:00 PM, EST

M, July 13 Topic: Environmental Racism & the Future of ATL

Skills: Audience & Evidence, i.e. Image Search/Collection

Atlanta Gentrification

Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism

Baby Gun Club Landfill Atlanta

T, July 14 Topic: Visualizing New Futures

Skills:Slide Design

Partner Videos: Mad Houser’s & Innovation Law Lab
W, July 15 Topic: Social Justice/Equity

Skills: Organization

Partner Videos: Transportation Alliance & The WAWA Story

Discussion 8: In Canvas, respond to the prompt and comment on two peer responses by 11:59 PM, EST

R, July 16 Skills: “Convert A Narrated PowerPoint to a Video” PD6: PechaKutcha Script: Upload to Canvas as a .pdf or .docx file by 11:59PM, EST
M, July 20 Closing event for the Sustainable Communities track

Centering Racial Equity in Equitable and Sustainable Development

Access the Event via this Bluejeans link 

SLS Class Reflection

T, July 21 Pecha Kutcha Reflection

Final Portfolio Workshop

Pecha Kutcha Video Due
R, July 30 Portfolios due to Canvas by 11:59PM