Calendar, Summer 2019
Days/Dates | In-Class Activities | Assignments Due |
W, June 19 | Introduction to one another, course themes, policies, and assignments
What films, shows, and games best represents the future? |
Ahmed, “New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050” (Vice 4 June 2019) |
R, June 20 | Discussion: Saving the Future and apocalyptic thinking
Close Reading/Writing |
Cohen, “Noah’s Arkive” (21 par.)
Process Doc 1: Theoretical Analysis, upload to Canvas by 11:59 |
F, June 21 | Opening Workshop, 1:00PM-3:00PM
Only required for SLS Sustainability track students |
Equitable & Sustainable Communities summer framework |
M, June 24 | Discussion: Representing the Future
Visual Design tools ‘How-To’/Poster Drafting |
Houser, “Human/Planetary” (144-160)
Deshdeep, “Build Better User Experience With C.R.A.P. Design Principles” Process Doc 2: Scene Analysis, upload to Canvas by 11:59 |
T, June 25 | Poster Draft Workshop | Drafting Posters in-class |
W, June 26 | Poster Workshop
Discussion: Sustainable Futures? |
Poster Draft, (8.5” x 11” print out) Davies, Jeremy. “Sustainable Nostalgia.” Memory Studies 3.3 (2010): 262-268. |
R, June 27 | Discussion: Solutions | Poster Session
Process Doc 3: What’s the greatest threat to the continued existence of life on earth?, upload to Canvas by 11:59 |
M, July 1 | Class Held Remotely
Poster Reflection World Building Activity |
Final Poster Due
N.K. Jemisin’s master class in world building The Ezra Klein Show Upload Process Doc 4: World Building Worksheet (Complete in Google Doc by 5:00 PM) |
T, July 2 | Independent Conferences, Group 1 | Conference Times TBA |
W, July 3 | Independent Conferences, Group 2 | Conference Times TBA |
R, July 4 | School Holiday, No Class | |
M, July 8 | Partner Panel Presentation: Making Atlanta’s Future
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM, Room 1447, in Klaus, College of Computing |
Bring at least one question for the panelists |
T, July 9 | Discussion: The Official Story and the Other Gesture | More, Utopia, Book 1 |
W, July 10 | Discussion: Future home? | More, Utopia, Book 2 |
R, July 11 | New Futures Workshop | Thomas More’s Letters (Selections)
New Futures Draft |
M, July 15 | Discussion: Mapping ATL’s Future
New Futures Reflection Portfolio Workshop |
New Futures Due
“Gentrification in Atlanta’s West End“ Westside Atlanta: Blue Prints for Successful Communities (reference for presentation project) |
T, July 16 | Park Visit: Meeting at Lindsey St. Park (Atlanta, GA 30314) and, possibly, walking to Katherine St. Park
Speakers: Mother Moore and Annie |
Lindsay Street Park/Conservation Fund
Lindsey Street Park Transformation Videos: Construction, Workforce Development, Ribbon Cutting |
W, July 17 | Discussion: Rendering Pollution/Remapping | “A Family’s Search for Affordable Housing in Atlanta”
Schuetz, “Cost, Crowding, or Commuting? Housing Stress on the Middle Class” |
R, July 18 | No face to face class meeting. If you would like to discuss your presentation drafts, you are welcome to drop by my office, Hall 006, any time 11-2. | Process Doc 6: PechaKutcha Script |
F, July 19 | iGniTe Closing Workshop, 1:00PM-3:00PM | Complete this worksheet, Final Summer Session Workshop Critical Reflection Worksheet |
M, July 22 | Pecha Kutcha Presentations, Group 1 | |
T, July 23 | Pecha Kutcha Presentations, Group 2 | |
W, July 24 | Pecha Kutcha Reflection
Portfolio Workshop |
Pecha Kutcha Slide Shares Due
Portfolio Draft Due |
F, Aug 2 | No Class | Portfolios due to Canvas by 11:59PM |